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A 4G – LTE service has been fully introduced in Mongolia, and a mobile network is available across all soums, villages, and towns around the country.

The CITA of Mongolia has approved the policy document on 5G network development and Mongolians are expected to start using the 5G network by 2023. Some mobile operators even began 5G equipment trials in Mongolia.

Worldwide 5G deployment and coverage

Countries where 5G networks/technology have been deployed and where 5G investments have been made.

Four privately-owned mobile operators provide high-quality mobile service across Mongolia, and there are 4.7 million mobile phone users.

Key telecommunications statistics - Mongolia

According to Cable, the internet comparison site, Mongolia is one of the countries with the lowest mobile data costs. As an illustration, the average cost of 1GB of data in Mongolia is $0.6, while the global average is $4.2.

As of 2020, Mongolia’s international internet traffic capacity is 418 GBPS, and is connected to Asian and American Internet Gateway passing through China and with the European Internet Gateway that passes through Russia.

Mongolia’s fiber-optic network covers a total of 47,983 kilometers, serving almost 300 soums in 21 provinces. There are 300,000 users of the fiber-optic network internet. 90% of Mongolia’s population now has access to the internet.


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