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President U.Khurelsukh visits APU JSC’s cheese factory in Selenge Province, Mongolia

As part of the “Food supply and security” initiative the President of Mongolia U.Khurelsukh visited APU JSC’s “Mongolian cheese, Shiguderi” manufacturing plant located in the Mandal sum area of Selenge Province. APU JSC /APU/ is the nation’s oldest and largest beverage manufacturer.

“Mongolian Cheese, Shiguderi” manufacturing plant is fully equipped with environmentally friendly equipment that meets the European Union standards, according to the company. The factory alone meets 20 percent of the domestic demand for cheese, reducing import dependence and providing consumers with organic cheese produced from Mongolian cow’s milk. According to statistics, Mongolia imports 3,000 tons of cheese worth ^102 billion per year. Which accounts to almost 92% of domestic needs.

The “Mongolian Cheese, Shiguderi” manufacturing plant receives 8-24 tons of liquid milk per day and has the capacity to produce 700 tons of final products per year. Today, only 10 manufacturers are operating in this field and producing about 200 tonnes of cheese per year. Specifically, the factory has localized the production technology of three types of cheese such as cheddar, edam, and gouda by adapting the cheese production technology of European countries to Mongolian cow’s milk.

The President of Mongolia Ukhnaagi Khurelsukh celebrated the national producers for joining the national movement “Food Supply and Security” and their effort in working to reduce import of food products.



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