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AmCham: Stepping up trade and investment between the U.S and Mongolia

The Speaker of the Parliament G.Zandanshatar received the delegation led by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, American Chamber of Commerce in Mongolia (AmCham) James Liotta.

The delegation stressed that AmCham aims to increase trade and investment between the two countries. The organization has recently held meetings with businesses and investors in New York, Washington, DC, and San Francisco to attract investment in Mongolia.

In this context, “Doorknock 2022” meetings are being held in Ulaanbaatar on June 21-23, 2022 in cooperation with foreign and domestic investors and the US Embassy in Mongolia. The Doorknock 2022 delegation is made up of foreign and domestic investors and is meeting with representatives of Mongolia’s Government agencies and ministries to improve Mongolia’s investment, trade, and business environment, especially to support the private sector-based free market.

AmCham Mongolia is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to expanding and strengthening the US-Mongolia business partnership, protecting its interests, and attracting American investment to Mongolia.



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