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SpaceX and OneWeb Open to Operating in Mongolia to Expand Internet Access

SpaceX and OneWeb are now open to obtaining permissions and starting operations in Mongolia. The Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of Mongolia has canceled Minister Order No. A16 of April 11, 2022, which was approved as an annex to the use of the Orbit satellite network.

Satellite service providers Starlink, SpaceX, and OneWeb have expressed that they cannot meet the requirements to operate in Mongolia. During the World Mobile Congress, a meeting was held with managers of SpaceX and OneWeb. Although these companies have established their companies to operate in Mongolia, they cannot meet the requirements set within the guidelines approved by the Minister.

Ground stations are not required to be established in Mongolia. Satellite service providers can communicate directly with their customers. For example, SpaceX pays for the antenna and receives internet service from space. Since it is not possible to fulfill the requirement of establishing a ground station, the companies are open to operating in Mongolia if they obtain a special license from the Telecommunications and Communications Regulatory Commission as a service provider. Allowing these companies to operate in Mongolia will provide internet access to the remotest areas of the country.

Currently, as a result of the introduction of high-speed Internet networks in 335 soums and settlements in Mongolia, 80 percent of all households use the Internet. Additionally, the number of mobile users is increasing every year, and as of 2021, 97.6 percent of all citizens use mobile phones, of which 84.7 percent use smartphones.



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