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Mongolia’s coal export reaches record high

The Ministry of Road and Transport Development reported that on August 23, a record-breaking 302,502 tonnes of coal were exported using 2,548 vehicles. The Ministry of Finance’s estimate for this year’s coal exports is set at 50 million tonnes, and in comparison to this target, the current performance has already reached approximately 80 percent.

Demand for Mongolian coal in the Chinese market, the main destination for exports, is on the rise; however, the price remains relatively low. In terms of coal pricing, Mongolian Class V coal at Gantsmod Port is currently priced at 1280-1300 yuan per tonne.

Mongolia’s coal export plays a significant role in its economy, especially in terms of revenue generation and trade relations with neighboring countries. China is the primary destination for Mongolia’s coal exports. The proximity of the two countries and China’s industrial demand for coal make it a natural trade partner.

Mongolia has invested in infrastructure development to facilitate coal exports. Railways and border crossings have been upgraded to enhance the efficiency of transporting coal to China. The volume of Mongolia’s coal exports can vary from year to year based on factors like demand, global coal prices, and infrastructure capabilities. The coal export volume has been a key contributor to the country’s trade balance.



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