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Mongolia has set a goal to receive 1 million tourists in 2023

Before the pandemic in 2019, Mongolia received the highest number of 577,000 tourists and the revenue from the sector reached USD 607 million. It accounted for 6.4 percent of GDP that year. However, like other countries in the world, the tourism industry suffered the most damage due to the pandemic, and the number of incoming tourists fell to 58,000 in 2020 and 33,000 in 2021, causing a heavy blow to the economy.

However, since February of this year, Mongolia received 210,000 tourists after opening the border, which contributed MNT 750 billion in revenue to the economy in seven months. The Government of Mongolia is working towards the goal of increasing the number of tourists to 250,000 by the end of this year and increasing the income from tourism to MNT 1 trillion.

However, the country is aiming to receive 1 million tourists in 2021, and increase the industry’s income to USD 1.2 billion or MNT 4.2 trillion, which equals 11.5 percent of the GDP, and 16 percent in 2024. In this regard, Tourism Development Committee has been established under the Prime Minister’s Office.



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