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Stock market cap reaches MNT 4.8 trillion in Q3

The Financial Regulatory Commission reported that the market capitalization Mongolian Stock Exchange reached MNT 4.78 trillion in the third quarter of 2022. During the reporting period, a total of MNT 328.4 billion securities were traded in the market, of which 45.8 percent were stocks, 32.0 percent were corporate bonds, 21.2 percent were asset-backed securities, and 1.0 percent were investment funds.

Traded securities
Source: Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia

Industrial companies account for 56.3 percent, mining 19.7 percent, banking and finance 17.4 percent, trade and services 4.4 percent, and communication 2.2 percent in the TOP 20 companies.

Stock trade by sectors
Source: Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia

In addition, according to the Law on Virtual Asset Service Providers, nine exchanges are currently operating in the market. 19 domestic and 160 foreign virtual assets are traded on these exchanges. In terms of market value, at the peak of 2021, an average of MNT 1.0-1.4 trillion was traded per day, while in the third quarter of 2022, an average of MNT 300 billion was traded per day. Legislation regulating the cryptocurrency industry, known as the Law on Virtual Asset Service Providers, came into force on December 14 last year.

As of the 3rd quarter, virtual money-based digital bond services and repo deal platform services are being tested in the regulatory sandbox. These two products facilitate the digitalization of the sale and purchase of debt instruments.



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