Mongolia ranked 116th out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International with a score of 33 out of 100. This is the worst ranking in the last 6 years. To construct the index, 16 indicators are used for the world and eight for Mongolia. The number of participating countries has increased to 180 from 176 in 2016.
Ranking of Mongolia in the last 6 years
Source: Transparency International
Over the past five years, Mongolia is among the 10 countries where corruption score has decreased and the index has increased. The index measures:
- Proper/improper use of state budget funds
- Whether a public official is abusing their position
- Whether the government effectively fights corruption
- Whether public officials involved in corruption cases are held accountable
- Legal framework that protects whistleblowers and journalists who report corruption.
In 2022, the average global CPI score was 43, and this indicator has remained unchanged for 11 years. In the countries that topped the ranking, indicators such as freedom of the press, access to information about public spending, fairness in public service and an independent judicial system were well developed.
As for Mongolia, the primary law governing anti-corruption efforts is the 2006 Anti-Corruption Law (ACL), which sets criminal penalties for official corruption. However, the ACL is poorly enforced, and corruption continues at all levels of government – with some officials enjoying apparent impunity. Factors contributing to corruption include conflicts of interest, lack of transparency, lack of access to information, an inadequate civil service system, and weak government control of key institutions.